Partnership helps local students prepare for the world of work

Partnership helps local students prepare for the world of work

When you leave education, finding your first step on a career ladder can be a daunting prospect.

But students at Tresham College have had a helping hand, after Wills Consultants partnered with the Kettering campus to help students better prepare for the world of work.

While qualifications are an undeniably vital part of what you need to catch an employer’s eye, it is also important to know about how to secure a job, how to use a recruitment company and how to best sell yourself for a role.

Wills Consultants are proud to be working with our local college to provide this knowledge.

We have held two sessions with T Level students at Tresham College, discussing future goals and post-College ambitions, giving useful tips on preparing for interviews, maximising networking opportunities, and using social media for business and recruitment.

T Levels are technical-based qualifications which see employers work in collaboration with educators to ensure the course content meets the needs of industry and prepares students for work, further training or study.

The sessions we run in the college are about imparting wisdom and expertise to help these students better understand the local economy, personal finance, managing their expectations and preparing them for the wider world of work.

It is tremendously beneficial for the students to understand how salaries are calculated and how to navigate securing your first job. We believe it is vital to teach students how to find roles in their preferred sector, then prepare for an interview, and equip them with the life skills they will need to successfully transition into the workplace.

We feel it is a privilege to work with these students, offering industry insight to help start their careers.

Our team also talk to the students about how to best use a recruitment company to find the perfect role or opportunity, as well as providing interesting facts about earning a living, such as the average salary, the top earner of the UK, figures for the cost of commuting to London and take-home pay after deductions.

A spokesperson for Tresham College, which is part of The Bedford College Group, said: “The students undertaking T Levels are on a new and valuable route for young people. They gain academic qualifications combined with real-life work experience, and so, help from employment professionals such as Wills Consultants is critical.

“We are very grateful to Wills Consultants, and all those businesses and employers who support our students through T Levels, apprenticeships and other subjects up to and including to Higher Education and degree courses.”

If you need help with finding a role or advice on how best to enter the world of work or a new sector, give us a call today on 01536 512202.

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